I've known for some time that the spices that are in Divine Inspired Spice are anti-inflammatory, and are healing but now it's official. In case you aren't aware of the generous blend of spices in Divine Inspired Spice, they are cayenne, cinnamon, cumin, curry, ginger, turmeric, clove, and nutmeg.
For those who don't know the story, here's the quick version. I wasn't feeling well one day but knew I should eat something, so I started sautéing garlic in a pan with olive oil. I grabbed a spice out of the cabinet and felt a little voice within me say, "Write this down."
I've spent much of my life arguing with or flat out ignoring that little voice, which has only led to challenging pathways. Now, I'm much more aware and obey whenever I hear it.
I measured and wrote down what would become the recipe for Divine Inspired Spice. At the time, I sprinkled it (actually, dumped it) on the garlic, added a handful of chopped broccoli, a handful of chopped cauliflower, a handful of cashews, and the juice of one lemon. I ate that concoction twice that day and felt a thousand times better.